Official logo of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series

The "Yu-Gi-Oh!" franchise began as a manga by Kazuki Takahashi in 1996, following the story of Yugi Mutou, who discovers the ancient game "Duel Monsters" and gains a powerful alter ego, the Pharaoh. The manga inspired a popular anime in 2000, leading to the creation of the real-world collectible card game, which became a global bestseller. The franchise has since expanded into sequels, spin-offs, video games, and international tournaments, making "Yu-Gi-Oh!" a worldwide pop culture phenomenon.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Harpie Lady card artwork featured in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga

The concept of "Harpie Lady" stems from a mistranslation, as "Harpie" is singular, while "Harpies" is plural. The idea of the Harpy comes from ancient Greek mythology, where it was described as a creature that was half-woman, half-bird, and was believed to personify the wind. An interesting fact is that the creature's design, including its outfit, was later censored in the anime, which also affected its artwork in the Trading Card Game (TCG). Along with other iconic monsters in the franchise, "Harpie Lady" is considered one of the most recognizable creatures in the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" universe.

Before diving into my project to reinterpret the Harpie Lady character in Blender, I began by designing a costume inspired by the same character using CLO 3D.This mini-project was a key source of inspiration that encouraged me to further explore and create my reinterpretation of the character.
Render of the garment design inspired by Harpie Lady
Render of the garment design inspired by Harpie Lady
Visual reference for project Fenotip



Particle edit

UV unwraping / texture painting




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